In this article, I will show you how to clear the cache in React Native. (As of November 2023, latest version)
# Delete watchman cache
watchman watch-del-all
# Delete iOS build files
rm -rf ios/build
# Delete Android build files
rm -rf android/app/build
# Delete node_modules
rm -rf node_modules
# Delete Pods
rm -rf ios/Pods
# Delete Podfile.lock
rm ios/Podfile.lock
# Clear Xcode cache
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
# Install yarn
yarn install
# Install pod
cd ios
pod install
# Clear Android build environment
cd ../android
./gradlew clean
# Restart metro bundler
cd ..
yarn start -- --reset-cache
# Once metro bundler has started, press Control + C to stop it
These commands will help you efficiently clear the cache and reset the environment in React Native, ensuring your app’s smooth development and testing process.
